Starting guide for the “LPC1769 development board with CMSIS DAP probe”.
I have started recently to familiarize myself with the
state-of-the-art (ARM) microcontrollers and the available
development tools. It was quite some years ago, since I had
my last experience with 8051
-like and AVR
In this tutorial we will cover the basics for starting developing for the NXP LPC1769 microcontroller, in particularly when using the LPC1769 development board.
In order to get started we need the following:
DevBoard OM13085: LPCXpresso board for
LPC1769 with CMSIS DAP probe
, link;Hardware:
, link, (an older IDE, NXP recommends now to use the MCUXpresso
I also had problems with this one with a high DPI display
(e.g. when using a Lenovo Laptop),
since the underlying eclipse version does not support such displays,
the icons were so small that one would need a magnifying glass for that;MCUXpresso
IDE link. Documentation and user guides are located
in the root project directory of the MCUXpresso
(i.e. /path/to/your/mcuxpresso
, the default path on a
Linux machine is /usr/local/mcuxpressoide-*
– is a tool from Keil,
for which digikeys
8k Euro, which is a bit too expensive for the first use.Example code:
software for LPC17xx
family: link.
A collection of projects showcasing different functionality of the
board (e.g. SPI, I2C, USB, UART, Timers, LEDs, RTOS, etc).
Although it is possible to download it from the link above,
comes already as an archive with MCUXpresso or LPCXpresso
(located in /path/to/your/mcuxpresso/ide/Examples/LPCOpen/
Our target is
The quickstart quide (link) helps you to import the
in LPCXpresso IDE.
George Pittarelli’s umd-lpc1769
repo is also great collection of
example projects
Understanding Lingo:
ARM Cortex